On 05.06.2012, 16:16 Jon wrote:

> I still think inline styles are going to continue causing problems on
> the mobile site as many people creating articles may only me thinking
> in terms of how a page will look in desktop rather than mobile.
> Although I personally would turn them off on the mobile website I seem
> to be in a minority.

> I spoke to several people including Gabriel Wicke and Brion Vibber on
> this subject at the Berlin hackathon and I think possibly the best way
> we as a community can address this is to identify the problems on a
> case by case basis.

> To do this I've created a page [1] the idea being that community
> members can report/identify situations where inline styles don't work
> on the mobile site, document them and provide a suggested resolution.
> These situations can then be linked to a list of effected pages that
> require cleaning up, for example [2]. These lists can be generated
> using Gabriel's dumpGrepper.js [3]. For the time being I've just run a
> grep on English Wikipedia but depending on whether this is successful
> I'll branch out to other languages

> Hopefully this will result in some sort of reference page for how to
> write styles that work well on both mobile and desktop.

I think we should strive to leave HTML transformation behind - for
non-WAP devices we could rely on CSS only. DOM parsing made a lot of
sense at the time of the Ruby gateway which had to parse HTML for
screen-scraping anyway. However, now by avoiding HTML parsing we

* Avoid performance reduction for mobile requests
* Make out output more uniform
* Stop relying on that unsalvageable piece of crap called libxml

For specific cases when there's a lot of desktop HTML that doesn't
need to be shown to mobile users at all, we could tweak the parser to
ouptut mobile-specific HTML, but this should be restricted to minimum.

Best regards,
  Max Semenik ([[User:MaxSem]])

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