I support that fully.
On Jun 12, 2012 5:48 PM, "Chad" <innocentkil...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Little bit of a different thread today--but something's been kind of biting
> at me over the last couple of weeks and I thought it'd be best to get it
> out there :)
> What support would there be for changing the MediaWiki logo and
> being consistent with it?
> I'm not suggesting a drastic change, like substituting puppies for the
> flower. I'm looking at a more subtle change, as in moving from our
> current logo to something like[0]. Originally, I didn't like the SVG
> version
> but over time it's managed to grow on me quite a bit. Although, I stil
> think the text could use tweaking, something closer to the current color
> would be nice. There's a couple of pretty big reasons I think we should
> switch to this (or something like it):
> 1) It scales much nicer. The current version looks absolutely awful at
> higher resolutions, and at lower ends becomes rather featureless. A
> version natively designed as an SVG (but keeping the original design
> ideas) takes care of that.
> 2) It fits much nicer with the other WMF logos (other than the puzzle
> globe, which will never match :)
> 3) We've already started selling stickers based on the SVG version[1],
> so it might be good to update it on MediaWiki.org to match.
> So...thoughts? Should we do this more formal-like in an RfC or
> something? Other colors you'd like to paint the bikeshed?
> -Chad
> [0] http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Mediawiki_logo_reworked_2.svg
> [1]
> http://shop.wikimedia.org/products/wikimedia-project-stickers-pack-of-12
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