On Sat, Jun 30, 2012 at 7:23 AM, Gregory Varnum <gregory.var...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Greetings,
> Following discussions with Wikimedia developers more on the "fringe" and
> not as engaged in frequent IRC or mailing list conversations, the request
> for an announcements only mailing list came up.  I wanted to let folks know
> that this list has been created and is ready for membership:
> https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikitech-announce  -
> wikitech-annou...@lists.wikimedia.org  There will also be a signup list
> for this and other lists at Wikimania Hackathon.
> Unlike this list, which allows for discussion, or the MediaWiki-announce
> list, which focuses exclusively on MediaWiki release announcements,
> wikitech-announce will be used for occasional announcements on both
> MediaWiki and broader Wikimedia developer related news items.  This
> includes an announcement when monthly tech or engineering reports are
> posted, important news updates on git or developer related tools, and
> information on upcoming sprints, events or other major developer
> collaborations.

A few boolean rules I'd like to have confirmed or denied (I'm not for or
against any of these per se, just want to make sure it is clear what the
intension is)

* Any and all emails to wikitech-announce will also go to wikitech-l.

Meaning, those that want to stay on the discussion list will not have to
maintain another queue.

* Any and all emails to mediawiki-announce will also go
to wikitech-announce.

I don't mind either way, just want to know if the audience is considered a
superset of mediawiki-announce. In which case developers that feel more
integrated and want to get both, only have to subscribe to one of them.

* Any and all emails to mediawiki-api-announce will also go
to wikitech-announce.

Again, just curious. I'm not vouching for or against it.

> Thank you!
> -greg aka varnent
Thank you!

-- Krinkle
Wikitech-l mailing list

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