I'm looking forward to meeting you when I get back from Wikimania!

On Sat, Jun 30, 2012 at 5:45 AM, Terry Chay <tc...@wikimedia.org> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> It’s with great pleasure that I’m announcing that Matt Walker has joined
> the Wikimedia Foundation as a Fundraising Engineer.
> Before joining us, Matt was a software engineer at Rockwell Collins
> Control Technologies developing “a DO-178B level A qualified Real-Time
> Operating System in C and PowerPC assembly.” (Ask him about it.) He got his
> dual B.S. in EE and CS from the University of Tulsa with a minor in
> Mathematics.
> On the side, Matt enjoys tech theatre, glass blowing, SCUBA diving,
> hiking, and bicycling so I’m not sure how he’ll fit in with his move to the
> Bay Area. During the reference check, the department chair of Electrical
> Engineering at his uni regaled me with stories about a time lapse video
> project he self-started and having to sign a permission slip for a high
> school prom.
> His first official day will be on July 9th assuming he survives his
> cross-country trip through Wyoming and the Dakotas. (I’ve seen the trailers
> for Longmire <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longmire_(TV_series)> so it’s
> not a given — Wyoming sounds like a very dangerous place.) He will be
> working with the FR-Tech team trying to establish the lower bounds for the
> Ballmer Peak <http://xkcd.com/323/> during their late night programming
> sessions; Katie and Peter will be establishing the Long Tail.
> He’s also great friends with Peter Gehres, but we won’t hold that against
> him. :-) Please join me in welcoming Matt to the Wikimedia Foundation.
> Take care,
> Terry
> terry chay  최태리
> Director of Features Engineering
> Wikimedia Foundation
> “Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in the
> sum of all knowledge.* That's our commitment.*”
> p: +1 (415) 839-6885 x6832
> m: +1 (408) 480-8902
> e: tc...@wikimedia.org
> i: http://terrychay.com/
> w: http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Tychay
> aim: terrychay
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