17 Июль 2012 г. 9:22:26 пользователь wangfeng wangfeng 
(wangfeng.v1.1...@gmail.com) написал:

Hi, I have resolve the problem that I can display "a_b_c".
What I did is modify the code in mediawiki/includes/Title.php ,in which I
found something like "str_replace( '_',' ',... )".
But it's not complete. I cannot display "_a_b_c_" .The display is also
So I guess there are some mechanisms that convert the string from "_a_b_c_"
to "a_b_c".
Can anyone tell me where is the code for the convert mechanisms?
Thans very much.

You should place two lines into LocalSettings.php, as Platonides suggested:
$wgAllowDisplayTitle = true;
$wgRestrictDisplayTitle = false;

Also make sure you don't overwrite the values of the mentioned variables later in 
"code flow".

It is not necessary to patch the core, the required functionality is there 

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