On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 11:20 AM, Ryan Lane <rlan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 1. Adjust our procedures for thread deletion so that this situation
> doesn't occur again.
> 2. Fix the links, if the effort level isn't insane.
I said this on IRC in some form, but I'll repeat it here on the
(hopefully permalinked ;) ) record: I think the concern MZ was raising
is that initially (for quite a long time actually), there was total
silence on #2. Daniel and other ops people posted to the list, but
made no mention of attempts to fix the links or the feasibility
thereof, it was all focused on #1 ("here's how we'll prevent this in
the future, and BTW, mailman sucks").

While #1 is important (and bashing mailman for this is deserved), #2
was being completely ignored. Instead, everyone focused on how MZ's
phrasing was hostile (which is fair enough, if people feel someone is
behaving in an offensive manner, they should call that person out on
it). Specifically, in the thread where Ryan called out MZ, the
question "but what are you doing to fix this?" was repeated in some
form or other in three posts (2 by MZ, one by Michel) before Daniel
said he was working on it and Ryan posted the above. On the original
thread, there were suggestions as to how the links could be fixed, but
no one in ops responded to those posts, or acknowledged them, or even
acknowledged that it's something that should be worked on until Daniel
and Ryan did that just now. MZ's post complained about a lack of
communication from ops about issue #2, and the response to it was a
more active lack of communication from ops about issue #2.

Hostile behavior has no place on this list and calling it out is a
good thing. But what happened here is an anti-pattern that I've seen
around here before: when someone says something in an inappropriate
way, people call them out on it (which is good), but subsequently
refuse to discuss the substance of what was said, to the point where
whenever it's brought up it's either ignored or the conversation is
steered back to the inappropriate behavior. In this case it was
eventually addressed after repeated questions from multiple people,
but that hasn't always happened. I've been in a situation where I
wrote overly aggressive criticism and got called out on it, which is
fair, but the substance of the criticism was never addressed and
because the subject is apparently tainted, reviving the discussion is
futile. I tried, and it went straight back to everyone piling on me
for how hostile I'd been, so I gave up.

I'm not complaining about being called out or even bashed for writing
overly hostile posts. I've done that a few times and I hate it when I
slip up and do it. If I get called out or bashed over that, I've
deserved it, and I'll take it. But what pisses me off is that it's
apparently impossible to get people to discuss real issues once
they're tainted with inappropriate communication. That's unhealthy and
needs to stop. So by all means, call people out on hostility. But
don't ignore stifle discussion about real problems.


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