On Sep 22, 2012, at 9:31 AM, Daniel Friesen <dan...@nadir-seen-fire.com> wrote:

> On Sat, 22 Sep 2012 00:10:11 -0700, Isarra Yos <zhoris...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 21/09/2012 11:46, Rob Moen wrote:
>>> On Sep 20, 2012, at 3:48 PM, Krinkle wrote:
>>>> If they happened as a direct
>>>> consequence of a user action, maybe it should appear inside the interface 
>>>> where
>>>> it was performed?
>>> Agreed, interaction related notifications should be localized in the 
>>> interface where the action is be performed.
>>> This increases visibility and implies a connection to the user action.
>> Aye, and while putting notices in the things themselves would only be 
>> feasible with some, still tying the other notices to the relevant part of 
>> the page would probably help. Like if when clicking the star to watch 
>> something, the bubble appeared pointing to the watchlist, that would make 
>> the connection between the star and the list itself better than any block of 
>> text explaining it ever could...
> https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/mediawiki/7/7b/Contextual-Notifications-Mockup.png
> Hmmm... that's actually a pretty nice idea. Though we'll need a separate 
> system for that.


By the way, arguably, in the case of watchlist manipulation it would be 
pointing to the
watchlist (-link) itself, not the watch star.

Similar to how "Install" in the Mac App Store triggers an animation that drops 
an icon
into the Dock. Even if the Dock itself isn't visible, it shows in which general 
it "went".

-- Krinkle

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