Some MediaWiki forms have elements with type=email.  Up until 2 weeks
ago, en-wiki would strip that out as it's invalid in old-school HTML.
But now that $wgHtml5 is true, it flows to the browser.

A nifty result is mobile browsers will use a custom on-screen keyboard
with @ and .com in it for type=email. A new result is HTML5 browsers
will not submit a form with an invalid e-mail in it.  A strange result
is, Special:ChangeEmail [1] already does client-side validation of
e-mail, so users on HTML5 browsers get duelling tooltips!  (See
screenshot [2] attached to Bug 40909 [3].)

Other MediaWiki forms that use Html or HTMLForm to specify HTML5 field
types will also have behavior changes.  If you don't want the
browser's validation, Munaf Assaf figured out you can disable it [4]
or you can sort-of override the styles for the browser's validation
tooltip [5]. Does anyone have experience of doing client-side
validation in conjunction with the browsers' own validation?  Ideally
a jQuery plug-in would build up client-side validation on top of the
browser's HTML5 support while hiding their big differences in

Thanks in advance,


=S Page  software engineer on E3

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