On 10/30/2012 08:03 PM, Ori Livneh wrote:
> I've been looking for an alternative to Gerrit's code review interface

Gerrit, for all its problems, does not require the reviewing developer
to install extra software and Eclipse is quite a bit of software if the
developer isn't already using it.

I would suggest that any alternative workflows work on top of and
integrate with Gerrit, or if we're all in agreement that we should ditch
Gerrit for code review, that the requirements to use them not be so
heavyweight as "first, install Eclipse..."

That said, if there is a way to use Mylyn without Eclipse, or if there
is a way to integrate Mylyn with Gerrit, then I'd be in favor.

Gerrit, I think, at least provides us with a central place to keep the

It looks like there is Gerrit integration for Mylyn
<http://www.eclipse.org/reviews/gerrit/> so if you like Mylyn it looks
like you are free to use it while still working with people who are
still using Gerrit.



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