On Tue, Nov 13, 2012 at 12:33 AM, Dmitriy Sintsov <ques...@rambler.ru> wrote:
> However, 'skin.vector' module includes both styles and scripts. And
> setupSkinUserCss() adds styles only. So 'dependencies' did not help, vector
> styles are loaded later, anyway. What can I do with that?
Unfortunately, addModuleStyles() and dependencies don't work well
together. You shouldn't use dependencies for CSS that is essential for
rendering the page.

> Also, I need to load remote google webfonts. Does ResourceLoader support
> this or I have to use old-fashionated methods of OutputPage() ?
Unfortunately RL doesn't support this directly. Although to load a
webfont, all you need is a stylesheet with an @font-face in it, right?


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