On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 1:40 PM, Quim Gil <q...@wikimedia.org> wrote:
> Hi, if you joined the MediaWiki / Wikimedia tech community in 2010 or
> later please consider taking this survey:
> Newcomer experience and contributor behavior in FOSS communities
> https://limesurvey.sim.vuw.ac.nz/index.php?sid=65151&lang=en
> The survey is open for sporadic contributors or full time Wikimedia
> employees, developers or any other profile. Anybody is welcome to
> leave their feedback as long as you have started contributing to this
> community in the past 3 years.
> 11 mature and well established open source projects are taking part in
> this survey: Debian, FreeBSD, GNOME, Gentoo, KDE, Mozilla, NetBSD,
> OpenSUSE, Python, Ubuntu and Wikimedia. Some of them started some days
> ago and have more than hundred responses by now. The data of this
> survey is anonymous and will be released under a ‘share-alike’ Open
> Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL).
> Some background:
> From Kevin Carillo, the researcher:
> http://kevincarillo.org/survey-invitation/
> From OpenHatch, a non-profit working on the bridge between free
> software projects and new contributors:
> https://openhatch.org/blog/2012/a-research-project-to-understand-what-does-it-take-to-retain-newcomers/
> If you, like me, became a bit tired of survey requests like this
> please consider filling this one anyway. It focuses in a specific area
> where we don't have much data. As fresh technical contributor
> coordinator at the WMF I'm looking forward to the results of this
> research and the lessons it will bring.
> Thank you.  :)
> --
> Quim Gil
> Technical Contributor Coordinator
> Wikimedia Foundation
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> Wikitech-l@lists.wikimedia.org
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Hmm, some of the questions were a little unclear - talking about the
Wikimedia community, but Wikimedia (as a whole) is not a FOSS project.
I became a developer roughly 3 years ago. I've been a member of
Wikimedia land since roughly 2005. Similarly, does being a gsoc
participant count as being paid to work on MediaWiki - after all gsoc
students do get money for doing MediaWiki things, etc.


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