Hi, a brief OPW status update a week before the deadline for candidate submissions:

We have 14 candidates listed at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Outreach_Program_for_Women#Candidates

We are still being contacted by new prospective candidates almost on a daily basis.

About half of the candidates are in a good track for meeting deadlines. The other half still has time to fix this problem. :)

Next week the mentors will start the selection of 3 internships, maybe more if there is a very good justification (and budget). Remember that YOU can help the selection by leaving your endorsements in the Talk page of the applicants.

On 11/15/2012 12:28 PM, Quim Gil wrote:
Hi, the FOSS Outreach Program for Women internships has started!

The blog post:

The program:

The Wikimedia specific information:

If you are following Wikimedia in Identica, Twitter, G+ or Facebook,
you likes and shares are welcome. Please help out reaching out to
women in tech out there!

Quim Gil
Technical Contributor Coordinator
Wikimedia Foundation

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