
On Fri, Dec 7, 2012 at 11:56 AM, Andre Klapper <aklap...@wikimedia.org> wrote:
> On Thu, 2012-12-06 at 10:07 -0800, Quim Gil wrote:
>> Hi, thanks to the metrics reports now we know that the top bug fixers in
>> November were Nobody (228) and Wikidata bugs (83
>> Even if the visible problem is a less accurate Bugzilla hall of fame,
>> the actual problem is that a big bunch of developers don't notify when
>> they are taking a bug. This decreases transparency and increases the
>> chances of duplicated work.
> Setting the assignee field makes sense when working on something for a
> longer time so you don't duplicate work.
> I don't see much advantage by setting an assignee for a quick fix (but
> it's easier now as you only need to click "take" below the "Assigned to"
> field and don't need to enter your email address manually anymore).
> I consider Gerrit a way better place when it comes to creating
> statistics about bug *fixes* ("RESOLVED FIXED" in Bugzilla terms).
> Obviously I exclude any other Bugzilla resolutions here. :)

I've already been in a situation on Wikimedia where someone fixed a
bug in the same time than me.

This bug qualified under "quick fix". I had set the assignee but were
told this assignee field weren't really used.

Not to use this field is wrong, even for quick fixes. We never know
what is short or not and this it's also more polite to let the bug
submitter to know someone is taking care of the bug.

I would actively recommend we assign bugs to the code submitter each
time we see a nobody bug.

Best Regards,
Sébastien Santoro aka Dereckson

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