On 01/09/2013 12:02 PM, Quim Gil wrote:
> Andre and me learned yesterday from Sumana that bug days were held
> previously on a weekly basis. This might complicate things, although
> maybe actually not. A possibility:
> 1. Pick a day e.g. "Thursday is Bug Day!"
> 2. Find a small task / area in Bugzilla e.g. "Let's clean MediaWiki
> Extensions >> Drafts"
> https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/buglist.cgi?list_id=172051&resolution=---&resolution=LATER&query_format=advanced&component=Drafts&product=MediaWiki%20extensions
> 3. Take a chat room less noisy than #mediawiki, or create one just for
> the occasion.

#wikimedia-dev is usually best, in my experience.

> 4. Define a list of nicknames you, Andre, etc (and their availability
> that day. Define also 4 hours of higher intensity where all of you will
> be there and focusing on the Bug Day activity.
> 5. Announce the day before to wikitech-l, mediawiki-l and optionally to
> any other relevant list.

A few days before, please!

> 6. Keep all this up to date at
> https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Bug_management/Meeting_preparations or
> the alternative page of your choice.
> It feels like more work, but then again choosing smaller topics is
> easier and if a week goes meh then it's not a big deal.

https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Bug_management/Meeting_preparations does
hold nearly all these best practices -- and if anything's missing, yes,
please add it.  Looking forward to more bug triage events (and, very
importantly, FOLLOWUP on those triages, especially where individuals
said "sure, I'll fix that").

Sumana Harihareswara
Engineering Community Manager
Wikimedia Foundation

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