On Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 9:48 AM, Tyler Romeo <tylerro...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> * Should error messages returned by the API be translated? Or should the
>> translation be left to JavaScript in the client?
> I think it should be left to JavaScript in the client. The API is not a UI,
> so it is not intended to function as an internationalized interface.
> However, a JavaScript script that uses the API *is* part of a UI, and thus
> has the burden of internationalizing whatever it does. Additionally, I
> don't know much about our API clients, but adding in non-ASCII characters
> may or may not cause issues.

Any client that has issues with non-ASCII characters is probably
already broken, since our pages have non-ASCII all over the place and
non-ASCII can make its way into error messages by being included in
page titles and such.

As for i18n, it would be nice to support API users that don't speak
English well.

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