Last week we had our first Bug Day of the year.

*---How it Went*---
We looked at bugs (excluding enhancements) that had not seen any changes in
over a year, a little over 250 bugs. The bugs came from a number of
different products and components. We started looking at the bugs in
"General/Unknown." Attendance was lower than what we wanted. Andre,
Matanya, and I triaged bugs and had help from developers in #wikimedia-dev.

---What we Achieved*---
We triaged about 30 bugs [1]. This included re-testing, prioritizing, and
closing old reports. Reports for which we requested more information will
be closed after 3 weeks if we receive no response.  We also made note of
what we could improve for the coming Bug Days.

---What we can improve*---
Some things we can improve:

   - Better Landing Page
      - We posted the announcement on [2]. The announcement is in the
      middle of the page. Instead we can have a Bug Day page where the time and
      date for the next Bug Day is prominent. It should be friendly for new
      users, as this is likely where they would refer to if they are interested
      in joining a Bug Day.
   - Hosting the event in a different IRC channel
      - We held the event in #wikimedia-dev. We were able to get help from
      developers on the channel, but it was hard to tell if users joining were
      there for the Bug Day. We felt greeting each user that joined could have
      increased noise on the channel, and could have been annoying to other
      users. We may hold the next even in #wikimedia-office if there
are no other
      meetings scheduled for that time.

Thank you for your participation and support! We hope the coming Bug Days
will get better and better.

-Valerie Juarez

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