On 02/06/2013 10:49 AM, Chris Steipp wrote:
> In general, it seems to me like there will be more attacks opened up
> by having lua open network requests to the api, than there would be by
> defining an internal api. 

Initially the use case will be providing access to the Wikidata API, not
the MediaWiki API in general. A URL-style API can be opened up to
provide access to some end points in the local MediaWiki API in the
future if those are indeed safe, but I agree that we should be careful
about this. Those local end points could also be handled as local method
calls instead of actually performing an HTTP request.

> But if that turns out to be the best way to
> handle it, then we'll just need to spend the time making sure it's
> done in a safe way.

Agreed. If we started out restricted to the Wikidata API only, the
initial effort to verify safety should be quite manageable though.
Additional URL-based APIs would need to be vetted before being
whitelisted, but would not require a new Lua API.


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