In the long term, Wikidata is probably the way to go on something like this.

In the short term, as far as dividing things up, note that you can
implement on-demand loading in Lua easily enough using the __index

  local obj = {}

  setmetatable( obj, {
      __index = function ( t, k )
          -- This will get called on access of obj[k] if it is not already
          -- Do whatever you might need, e.g. require() a submodule,
          -- assign things to t for future lookups, then return the
requested k.
  } )

  return obj

Also note that you can save space at the expense of code complexity by
accessing "obj.us_name or" rather than storing the same string in
both fields; remember in Lua only nil (unset) and boolean false are
considered "false", the number 0 and the empty string are both considered
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