Right now, there's two message systems, one in mediawiki.js that
basically just handles dollar-sign replacements, and an increasingly
sophisticated one in jqueryMsg that tries to emulate the server.  To
make it more complicated, jqueryMsg monkey-patches mediawiki.js.

What do people think about merging them together, keeping mediawiki.js
as the entry point?  mediawiki.js already has the APIs that match the
server.  They just don't work anything like the server without jqueryMsg.

The jqueryMsg module could be kept as a redirect module like

The only real downside is the bandwidth (but increasing numbers of
modules are depending on jqueryMsg already), and potentially (depending
if we keep the "fast path" exception) a small performance cost.

But done right I think it would significantly simplify documentation and
(especially) unit testing.

Matt Flaschen

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