Hi all!

I would like to ask for you input on the question how non-wikitext content can
be indexed by LuceneSearch.

Background is the fact that full text search (Special:Search) is nearly useless
on wikidata.org at the moment, see

The reason for the problem appears to be that when rebuilding a Lucene index
from scratch, using an XML dump of wikidata.org, the raw JSON structure used by
Wikibase gets indexed. The indexer is blind, it just takes whatever "text" it
finds in the dump. Indexing JSON does not work at all for fulltext search,
especially not when non-ascii characters are represented as unicode escape

Inside MediaWiki, in PHP, this work like this:

* wikidata.org (or rather, the Wikibase extension) stores non-text content in
wiki pages, using a ContentHandler that manages a JSON structure.
* Wikibase's EntityContent class implements Content::getTextForSearchIndex() so
it returns the labels and aliases of an entity. Data items thus get indexed by
their labels and aliases.
* getTextForSearchIndex() is used by the default MySQL search to build an index.
It's also (ab)used by things that can only operate on flat text, like the
AbuseFilter extension.
* The LuceneSearch index gets updated live using the OAI extension, which in
turn knows to use getTextForSearchIndex() to get the text for indexing.

So, for anything indexed live, this works, but for rebuilding the search index
from a dump, it doesn't - because the Java indexer knows nothing about content
types, and has no interface for an extension to register additional content 

To improve this, I can think of a few options:

1) create a specialized XML dump that contains the text generated by
getTextForSearchIndex() instead of actual page content. However, that only works
if the dump is created using the PHP dumper. How are the regular dumps currently
generated on WMF infrastructure? Also, would be be feasible to make an extra
dump just for LuceneSearch (at least for wikidata.org)?

2) We could re-implement the ContentHandler facility in Java, and require
extensions that define their own content types to provide a Java based handler
in addition to the PHP one. That seems like a pretty massive undertaking of
dubious value. But it would allow maximum control over what is indexed how.

3) The indexer code (without plugins) should not know about Wikibase, but it may
have hard coded knowledge about JSON. It could have a special indexing mode for
JSON, in which the structure is deserialized and traversed, and any values are
added to the index (while the keys used in the structure would be ignored). We
may still be indexing useless interna from the JSON, but at least there would be
a lot fewer false negatives.

I personally would prefer 1) if dumps are created with PHP, and 3) otherwise. 2)
looks nice, but is hard to keep the Java and the PHP version from diverging.

So, how would you fix this?


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