Hmm... "integrated dozens of different payment processors (shh… don’t tell
FR-tech)", you say?
/me nonchalantly checks to see if Amazon sells comically large butterfly

Welcome! :)

Fundraising Tech Lead

On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 12:16 AM, Jeremy Baron <>wrote:

> On Mon, Apr 22, 2013 at 11:00 PM, Terry Chay <> wrote:
> > His first official day is today (April 22). He is going to work with the
> Editor Engagement team on Messaging, and any other stuff we can throw at
> him until he feels sufficiently overwhelmed. I’m still trying to figure out
> how to verbally distinguish between my boss and him (suggestions welcome!).
> What do you do with Erik Zachte?
> > Please join me in a welcoming Erik to the Wikimedia Foundation. :-)
> Welcome!
> -Jeremy
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