Mostly got an answer on IRC:


*3:44 *FastCgiServer
/srv/org/wikimedia/bzapi/script/ 3
-idle-timeout 180

*3:44 *Alias /bzapi /srv/org/wikimedia/bzapi/script/

*3:44 *that is in the apache site config

*3:46 *root@kaulen:/srv/org/wikimedia/bzapi/script# ls

*3:46 *

*3:46 *but that's about all i know about it.. and that andre wanted to look
at it


*3:46 *ahha

*3:47 *mutante: any idea what URL points to that?


*3:48 *well it should be  just  /bzapi  per the Alias above, but:

*3:48 *[Fri Apr 26 22:48:16 2013] [error] [client] FastCGI:
comm with server "/srv/org/wikimedia/bzapi/script/"
aborted: idle timeout (180 sec)


*3:49 *hmm yeah appears to be timing
out for me


*3:49 *nod, same here

*3:49 *last paste is from apache error log when i tried

*3:50 *i know this is on Andre's "in the future" list


*3:50 *yeah ok

*3:50 *looks like im stuck with the xml-rpc api for now

*3:50 *thanks mutante

On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 3:32 PM, Arthur Richards <>wrote:

> Anybody know if we have the REST API for Bugzilla enabled - and if so what
> the URL is for it?
> I came across some old docs on that suggest we do
> [1] - but no indication of the URL for service. I know I can use the
> XML-RPC API for Bugzilla, but would rather use REST if it's available. Any
> insight is appreciated!
> [1]
> --
> Arthur Richards
> Software Engineer, Mobile
> [[User:Awjrichards]]
> IRC: awjr
> +1-415-839-6885 x6687

Arthur Richards
Software Engineer, Mobile
IRC: awjr
+1-415-839-6885 x6687
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