On 2013-04-28 5:11 PM, "Quim Gil" <q...@wikimedia.org> wrote:
> On 04/28/2013 10:17 AM, Moriel Schottlender wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I posted an idea earlier this weekend to the list and received feedback
>> and I really appreciate it! It made me realize that the idea I proposed
>> a little vague and elaborate and sounded too complex. So I re-drafted it
>> and simplified it a lot, and I would really appreciate your opinions
>> I think it can be doable for a GSoC project.
>> The idea briefly: My idea is to develop a plugin for MediaWiki that
>> the easy embedding of interactive physics demos in wiki articles, using a
>> Javascript physics engine like Box2web (which is based on Box2D)
>> You can see the new edited proposal here:
>> http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/User:Mooeypoo/GSOC_2013_Project
>> Also, since this idea does not appear in the main idea list, I am hoping
>> there may be a mentor available :)
> Good! There is not much time left. Please file a Bugzilla report and
submit your proposal to the GSoC site:
> http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/homepage/google/gsoc2013
> You are also encouraged to submit the proposal to Outreach Program for
Women. That requires also a first contribution related with your project
proposal. Any suggestions? I'm no an expert in this area... Maybe something
related with Commons / media types?
> Anyway, the idea is that you just continue with the assumption that a
mentor will appear. Anybody interested?
> Thank you and good luck!
> --
> Quim Gil
> Technical Contributor Coordinator @ Wikimedia Foundation
> http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/User:Qgil
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That sounds interesting. I may be willing to (co-)mentor if the category
redirect thing falls through.

From your userpage I see you are still waiting to hear from something else.
I would reccomend still officially submitting your proposal now, and just
make sure to let us know if you are actually available before we have to
select the proposals.

As for related contrib. Since this is a make a new extension theres not
much related. I would reccomend maybe a resource loader commit as this
project involves lots of js.

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