A summary of talks at a recent conference on test automation, with a
bunch of links for people who want to follow up and watch videos.

> A major theme was WebDriver, which is an API for automating web browsers. 
> Mozilla presented its work on WebDriver support in Gecko and extensions to 
> WebDriver to allow automated testing of FirefoxOS beyond just the 
> Gecko-powered content layer. Google talked about WebDriver support in 
> Chrome/Chromium, including Chrome on Android. Others demonstrated FOSS 
> software that re-purposes the WebDriver API for testing native mobile 
> applications on Android and iOS.

We use Selenium, which makes use of WebDriver. has more.  I believe we are
not currently using any of the technologies mentioned to specifically
perform automated testing on mobile apps or mobile browsers, although I
could be wrong.

Chris McMahon was at this conference and may have more specific "we
should do foo" recommendations. :)

Sumana Harihareswara
Engineering Community Manager
Wikimedia Foundation

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