I wrote a tool that will import bugs from Bugzilla into either Mingle
and/or Trello (two project management tools used by some teams at the
Wikimedia Foundation). The mobile web team was finding it difficult to keep
track of two separate tools - one for new feature development, the other
for tracking bugs, so Bingle helps bridge the gap and allows us to focus on
one tool. This has had the side effect of keeping visibility of reported
bugs high and has made it easier for us to quickly prioritize incoming bugs
against existing work, and quickly respond to open issues.

You can find the code and some rudimentary usage instructions here:

I hacked this together rather quickly - expedience was my goal rather than
perfection, so it's not well documented, a little quirky, and there's a lot
of room for improvement. I've been sitting on it for a while, hoping to
make improvements before announcing it, but I have not found the time to
make the changes I would like (eg for it to use the Bugzilla API rather
than Bugzilla atom feeds). So, I invite anyone interested and willing to
fork it, and pitch in and help make it awesome :)

Arthur Richards
Software Engineer, Mobile
IRC: awjr
+1-415-839-6885 x6687
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