Am 03.07.2013 13:47, schrieb Ori Livneh:
>> How to contruct the background-image filename from a value in one of the
>> OpenID PHP modules ?
> For a single rule, you can get away with something like:
$wgHooks[ 'BeforePageDisplay' ][ ] = function ( &$out, &$skin ) {
 $out->addHeadItem( 'oauth-provider', '<style>.oauth { color: red;
}</style>' );
return true;

50% okay, but there's a remaining problem for my specific construct, 
because the script path is needed to fetch the image, 
but it is the article path in that hook context:


which of course fails to load the image.

Is there any help ? How can the script path be used (instead of the article 
path) ?

$wgHooks[ 'BeforePageDisplay' ][ ] = function ( &$out, &$skin ) {
 $out->addHeadItem( 'openidstyle', '<style>#openid_provider_Google_icon { 
background-image: url(skin/icons/Google_large.png); }
</style>' );
return true;

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