@Mark Just to clarify. Personally, I don't think wikitext's math format
should move away from a TeX-like input language.  The point I was trying
making was that a conservative extension would be useful if MathML becomes
a desired output. It seems to me that texvc was specifically designed to
prevent fully fledged TeX input, so I wonder if it wouldn't help everyone
if wasn't required on the backend anymore, only that the syntax stayed
backward compatible.

@paveenp I don't know what you mean by "unsupportably dependent". I am also
not aware of "serious bugs". Could you be more specific?


On Fri, Aug 2, 2013 at 10:40 AM, Delirium <delir...@hackish.org> wrote:

> On 8/2/13 7:07 PM, praveenp wrote:
>> On Friday 02 August 2013 09:06 PM, Delirium wrote:
>>> On 7/22/13 2:53 AM, Peter Krautzberger wrote:
>>>> 2) TeX/LaTeX compatibility might be lost.
>>>> "Native" content (e.g. <maction> or even subexpression links) has no
>>>> counterpart in TeX. Conservative extensions of TeX can easily enable
>>>> this
>>>> kind of content but backward compatibility will be lost.
>>> If this means MathML as the canonical format, i.e. people write MathML
>>> into articles directly, rather than it just being an output/rendering
>>> format, that gives me moderate worry:
>>> 1. From the perspective of being able to repurpose Wikipedia articles
>>> outside of a web context, TeX-format equations are nice for articles in the
>>> math/science sphere, since TeX-based publishing workflows are common in
>>> math/science, and equations are particularly tedious and error-prone to
>>> convert by hand, if that would end up necessary. Admittedly, in some
>>> workflows there's no real difference: you can import both MathML and TeX
>>> equations into MS Word with appropriate plugins (I haven't looked into
>>> whether the two import paths differ on compatibility). Perhaps as
>>> HTML-based print workflows improve this will drop off as an issue, but
>>> right now only a smallish proportion of people are using workflows based on
>>> something like PrinceXML, and the free-software alternatives to PrinceXML
>>> are further behind.
>>> 2. From a wikitext-readability perspective, TeX-format equations are the
>>> de-facto standard way of ASCII-fying equations, e.g. in plaintext emails,
>>> while MathML isn't written in a syntax any humans normally write. So using
>>> TeX as our underlying representation makes equations possible to edit in
>>> text form, at least for people who already professionally work in areas
>>> where that's common, while MathML equations virtually require a visual
>>> editor (unless the idea is to use something like ASCIIMathML?).
>> What??!!??  sorry I didn't get a thing from this. :-)
>> Current scenario is: In our current Math extension, textvc is simply
>> unable to generate equations in png except Latin languages. Also Mathjax is
>> heavily client dependent (Unsupportably dependent) and has its own serious
>> bugs.
> I read Peter's point 2 as discussing the possible "native" use of MathML
> tags, i.e. permitting people to write MathML into articles, rather than
> only using MathML as an alternate rendering path for texvc/MathJax/etc. If
> MathML is a render-only target, then "TeX/LaTeX compatibility might be
> lost" doesn't seem like it could be an issue. So unless I'm totally
> misreading, I took the discussion to be about allowing MathML in articles,
> which could break TeX compatibility since not all MathML tags can be
> rendered back into TeX equivalents. The two points above are my two
> concerns w.r.t. that suggestion. Am I misreading the suggestion entirely?
> -Mark
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