Hi, about FOSDEM - https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Events/FOSDEM

Brussels / 1 & 2 February 2014

On 1 Oct we will know whether our proposal for a Wiki DevRoom has been accepted or not. This is a DevRoom we have proposed together with XWiki and TikiWiki and is open to all wiki topics. If we we get it accepted we will organize a call for participation for this DevRoom.

The call for main track session proposals is open until 1 Oct.

... and the call for lightning talks and stands is open until 20 Nov.

You are encouraged to submit lightning talk proposals! Don worry if you are unsure between submitting a session for a lightning talk or a devroom: you can contact both and then they suggest you what to do.

Wikimedia wants to have a stand, and we have received an offer to help from the nascent Wikimedia Belgium chapter. Probably more help can be aggregated from CH, DE, FR, NL, UK + other tech contributors in the region? Let's do something really cool! To be discussed.

Quim Gil
Technical Contributor Coordinator @ Wikimedia Foundation

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