
I'm extremely pleased to announce that we've had two promotions within the 
Technical Operations team!

Leslie Carr has been promoted to Senior Operations Engineer (Networking). As 
many of you know, along with Mark, Leslie has been instrumental in securing 
preferred rates and contracts with with connectivity providers and vendors on 
the networking side of our infrastructure - in a world where human connections 
are every bit as important as topographic ones, Leslie has maintained a vast 
network of contacts to help ensure that we're receiving competitive pricing, 
fair peering, and a plethora of other perks that come part and parcel with 
maintaining solid relationships in the networking arena, while also taking 
point on many of the technical aspects of our network infrastructure as well.

We're lucky to have her, and I look forward to working with her as the team 
completes the setup of ULSFO and begins work on our next data-centre project.  

Ryan Lane has also been promoted to Senior Operations Engineer. Ryan has served 
as the lead on the Labs project, a component of our infrastructure that has 
become increasingly critical to projects both within WMF engineering (with Beta 
Labs), as well as with various volunteer projects (via Tool Labs). Ryan is 
about to head up the migration of this infrastructure from Tampa to Ashburn as 
part of our plan to sunset the Tampa data-centre.

Additionally, Ryan has also played a key role in several non-labs-related 
projects, including most recently our HTTPS-as-default project, as well as work 
on integrating git-deploy into the mediawiki deployment pipeline. Ryan's work 
has been invaluable, and this promotion well-deserved.



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