MediaWiki Bugzilla Report for November 04, 2013 - November 11, 2013

Status changes this week

Reports changed/set to UNCONFIRMED:  5                             
Reports changed/set to NEW        :  18                            
Reports changed/set to ASSIGNED   :  37                            
Reports changed/set to REOPENED   :  18                            
Reports changed/set to PATCH_TO_RE:  81                            
Reports changed/set to RESOLVED   :  249                           
Reports changed/set to VERIFIED   :  20                            

Total reports still open              : 12866                         
Total bugs still open                 : 7442                          
Total non-lowest prio. bugs still open: 7231                          
Total enhancements still open         : 5424                          

Reports created this week: 331                           

Resolutions for the week:

Reports marked FIXED     :  149                           
Reports marked DUPLICATE :  35                            
Reports marked INVALID   :  30                            
Reports marked WORKSFORME:  17                            
Reports marked WONTFIX   :  21                            

Specific Product/Component Resolutions & User Metrics 

Created reports per component

MediaWiki extensions          WikidataRepo                  26                  
MediaWiki extensions          Flow                          24                  
VisualEditor                  ContentEditable               21                  
MediaWiki extensions          MobileFrontend                19                  
Wikimedia                     Site requests                 13                  

Created reports per product

MediaWiki extensions          151                           
VisualEditor                  53                            
MediaWiki                     48                            
Wikimedia                     43                            
Parsoid                       16                            

Top 5 bug report closers

lydia.pintscher [AT] wikimedia59                            
jforrester [AT] 18                            
aklapper [AT]   17                            
matma.rex [AT]      13                            
umherirrender_de.wp [AT] web.d13                            

Most urgent open issues

Product       | Component     | BugID | Priority  | LastChange | Assignee       
      | Summary                              
Analytics     | Tech communit | 53489 | Highest   | 2013-10-31 | 
acs[AT]  | Relating tech contributors with organ

MediaWiki     | Categories    | 55630 | Highest   | 2013-10-28 | 
wikibugs-l[AT]lists. | When using UCA collations, Persian di

MediaWiki     | JavaScript    | 52659 | Highest   | 2013-10-13 | 
wikibugs-l[AT]lists. | [Regression]: mediawiki.notification:

MediaWiki     | Special pages | 56840 | Highest   | 2013-11-11 | 
wikibugs-l[AT]lists. | Special:Allpages is too slow!        

MediaWiki ext | CirrusSearch  | 56798 | Highest   | 2013-11-09 | 
wikibugs-l[AT]lists. | CirrusSearch shouldn't use SQL to fig

MediaWiki ext | Echo          | 53569 | Highest   | 2013-10-18 | 
wikibugs-l[AT]lists. | [Regression] Echo: Sending 2 e-mails 

MediaWiki ext | Flow          | 56680 | Highest   | 2013-11-07 | 
wikibugs-l[AT]lists. | Flow must respect the per-wiki VE opt

MediaWiki ext | Flow          | 56781 | Immediate | 2013-11-08 | 
wikibugs-l[AT]lists. | Flow: internal error on beta labs    

MediaWiki ext | MobileFronten | 53595 | Highest   | 2013-11-05 | 
lvilla[AT]wikimedia. | License shouldn't be hardcoded in Mob

MediaWiki ext | UniversalLang | 54725 | Highest   | 2013-09-27 | 
amir.aharoni[AT]mail | JavaScript error on TwnMainPage if se

MediaWiki ext | UniversalLang | 56509 | Highest   | 2013-11-11 | 
wikibugs-l[AT]lists. | ULS makes too many action=ulslocaliza

MediaWiki ext | WikidataRepo  | 52916 | Highest   | 2013-10-08 | 
wikidata-bugs[AT]lis | implement numbers data type          

MediaWiki ext | WikidataRepo  | 55901 | Highest   | 2013-10-28 | 
wikidata-bugs[AT]lis | Invalid commons media data are accept

MediaWiki ext | WikidataRepo  | 52385 | Highest   | 2013-11-05 | 
wikidata-bugs[AT]lis | Query by one property and one value (

VisualEditor  | ContentEditab | 33105 | Highest   | 2013-10-24 | 
roan.kattouw[AT]gmai | VisualEditor: Preserve rich text form

VisualEditor  | Editing Tools | 50768 | Highest   | 2013-11-08 | 
rmoen[AT]wikimedia.o | VisualEditor: Replicate enwiki's refe

VisualEditor  | General       | 55461 | Highest   | 2013-11-08 | 
roan.kattouw[AT]gmai | VisualEditor: <ref> tags normalized t

VisualEditor  | MediaWiki int | 48429 | Highest   | 2013-11-01 | 
krinklemail[AT]gmail | VisualEditor: Support editing of sect

VisualEditor  | Technical Deb | 50514 | Highest   | 2013-11-01 | 
roan.kattouw[AT]gmai | VisualEditor: We need an integration 

Wikimedia     | Apache config | 31369 | Highest   | 2013-10-12 | 
wikibugs-l[AT]lists. | Non-canonical HTTPS URLs quietly redi

Wikimedia     | General/Unkno | 53227 | Highest   | 2013-11-09 | 
sam[AT]  | Stale non-slow maintenance Special pa

Wikimedia Lab | Infrastructur | 48501 | Highest   | 2013-11-07 | 
greg[AT]wikimedia.or | beta: Get SSL certificates for *.{pro

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