
If you're using Sublime Text as your text editor[1], I'd recommend checking out
the DocBlockr plugin[2]. It makes it easier to produce documentation comments.

It helps you through various features such as:
* Autocomplete various @-tags
* Auto-create blocks[3]
* Detect function params and property value types
* And lots more..

It avoids mistakes and speeds up the creation of conformant comments so that
Jenkins/JSDuck won't shout at you.

Though it provides all this by default, I recommend you fine tune it to your 
(and to the specifics of JSDuck).

To deal with the variety in how different projects write documentation comments,
it has various configuration options[4] (e.g. @return vs @returns, @var, vs 
type {Boolean}, {boolean} or {bool} etc.). I've published my configuration on 
It might be useful to you to get started[5].

You can install DocBlockr in Subllime the "easy" way using Package Control[6],
or check out the plugin page[2] for manual installation.

-- Krinkle

[1] http://www.sublimetext.com/
[2] https://github.com/spadgos/sublime-jsdocs
[3] Type "/**" followed by tab to insert the template, then tab trough 
placeholders to fill them in
[5] https://sublime.wbond.net/

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