Google Code-in: 3 weeks past, 4 weeks to go.

We have 113 tasks completed, 22 currently in progress, and 30 open. The
graph looks very good so far:

What the graph doesn't reflect is the fact that these numbers currently
rely on just a few mentors and external contributors, which is not very

This is how you can help:

* Anybody can identify new GCI tasks. CC Andre and me in bug reports, or
contact us directly for any other type of task.

* If you are a mentor without open tasks, please create new tasks.

The math is simple: we won't have any problem if every mentor creates
one new task when one of your tasks is completed. You can decide the
amount of work you want to handle by having more or less open tasks at
the same time. Having one task open at a time doesn't require much
dedication, please do it.

Thank you everybody for your help!

Quim Gil
Technical Contributor Coordinator @ Wikimedia Foundation

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