On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 5:08 PM, Terry Chay <tc...@wikimedia.org> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> It’s with great pleasure that I’m announcing that Kunal Mehta[1] has
> joined the Wikimedia Foundation as contractor in Features Engineering.
> Before joining us (and currently), Kunal is a student in college,
> switching from computer science to business administration for reasons that
> I’m sure warrant more discussion.
> Kunal is currently a Wikipedia admin got involved working on the projects
> 8 years ago. He also helps writing and maintaining bots (legoktm <3’s
> pywikibot) and working on the nether regions of the volunteer developer
> community as part of the Volunteer Response Team, which he currently
> continues to do[2]. I met him at Wikimania through a Wikidata scholarship
> because apparently we were too cheap to spring for his ticket.
> Kunal will be working with the Core Features Team since MassMessage[3] and
> Echo[4] have overlapping concerns, and Flow[5] can use more development
> support now that it is out. When he isn’t doing that you’ll see him around
> adding this and that to core or the bots. :-)
> Kunal lives and goes to school in San Jose. Most importantly, he’s
> unlocked level 2 in Naan Sense on FourSquare[6]. From his username on the
> projects, I’d also bet he must like Lego Mindstorms[7].
> For the record, Kunal, I, for one, welcome our new robot overlords.
> As you have guessed from my usual tardiness and my drive to finish my
> announcements before the calendar year, his first official day was actually
> October 28th (Only two months ago? Not bad, not bad at all).
> Please join me in a belated welcome of Kunal Mehta to the Wikimedia
> Foundation.
> Take care,
> Terry
Welcome to the Evil Wikimedia Foundation Empire ;-)
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