> Hi,
> Today, I heard about a JavaScript library called InstantClick
> (http://instantclick.io/). Basically, it's based on the principle that
> latency is responsible for a lot of the Web's slowness. It also
> considers that there are about 250ms between hovering over and
> clicking on a link. Therefore, it starts pre-loading the page on
> hover, and then switches to it via AJAX when the user clicks the link.
> It can also do this on mousedown only, which causes no additional
> server load and still provides a performance boost, according to its
> website, similarly to Rails' turbolinks functionality.
> Is there any chance this could work on MediaWiki?
> Regards,
> -Kudu.

This is pretty neat.  Some a/b tests on mobile would help us understand
just how much extra data this would cause people to consume vs. how much
time it saves them.

On desktop, I bet a combination of this with something like cursor
proximity based events [1] would be interesting to look into.

[1] https://github.com/padolsey/jquery.fn/tree/master/proximity-event
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