Am 10.03.2014 16:54, schrieb Chris Steipp:
>> 1) catch the click on the "Login" link to show a banner first to ask for
>> the users consent, on acceptance forward the user to the login page
>> 2) modify the login process to set the cookie after the actual login and
>> put an additional text on the login page like "by logging in I accept
>> the usage of cookies by this website"

> The cookie on the login page is for the anti-csrf (and captcha if needed)
> validation, so getting rid of it would be problematic from a technical
> perspective (or would require a second click on the login page).

Thanks Chris for this comment.

So that leaves us with option 1) - a javascript banner. I think that
shouldn't be too hard to implement.

A <div> which hovers over the Wiki page, the text, two buttons [accept]
/ [leave]. Accept points to Special:Userlogin, leave just closes the banner.
A javascript that shows this <div> onclick() on the Login link, if no
cookie has already been set by the Wiki.

Maybe even a LocalSettings.php variable $wgApproveCookies = true; that
is true by default and allows admins of internal company wikis etc. to
disable that banner.

As an option we could even add another setting $wgApproveCookiesAlways,
which makes the same <div> to show up as soon as a user enters the wiki.
That way we can support admins that have further extensions installed in
their wiki which add cookies right away - like Google Analytics.

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