Notes + log are up at .

Biggish news:
We agreed to abandon the old Config database RfC and rename the new one. If
you can help comment on ("Make
abstract Config class truly implementation-agnostic") please do.
And Daniel should submit as a changeset,
probably, and Katie should work with Daniel on making sure her Linker
refactor RfC is gonna work fine with the TitleValue RfC and so on.

March 19: MVC Framework and structured logging
March 26: allow styling in templates, + 1 more, you can suggest one to cover


On Mon, Mar 10, 2014 at 11:58 PM, Sumana Harihareswara <> wrote:

> This Wednesday, 2100-21:30 UTC, let's have a thirty-minute RfC review
> meeting to check on a few proposals to consolidate, and whether a few
> authors have done their next steps from the last few months. (If people
> want to answer these questions onlist/onwiki that's fine too.)
> I have some open questions:
>    1. Configuration (database) RfCs: 
> original<>,
>    RFC 
> 2<>,
>    and JSON 
> onwiki<>.
>  Shall we ask authors to consolidate by a certain date?
>    2. URL 
> shortener<>(and
>  URL
>    Shortener 
> Service<>,
>    probably to be consolidated). Do we have the implementation details Tim
>    wanted?
>    3. Assert <>.
>    Any particular enthusiasm or next steps here?
>    4. Linker 
> refactor<>.
>    Any initial comments? (onwiki comments welcome also)
>    5. your RfC here?
> I recently updated lots of entries in the
> table so please check
> those out and comment on those where appropriate, and suggest RfCs to cover
> on Wednesday.
> We'll talk in #wikimedia-office on Freenode, at 2100 UTC on March 12:
> Moscow: 1am Thursday 13 March
> Berlin: 22:00 12 March
> New York: 5pm March 12
> San Francisco: 2pm March 12
> Sumana Harihareswara
> Engineering Community Manager
> Wikimedia Foundation
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