On Apr 21, 2014 9:21 PM, "Lars Aronsson" <l...@aronsson.se> wrote:
> A friend of mine, noting that Wikipedia uses SVG images
> for diagrams, asked if it also had some written guidelines
> for how to write the SVG source code, in particular to
> express measurement values in the original units rather
> than on a pixel scale. He had found some SVG diagram that
> made a curve from 140 pixels to 190 pixels, rather than
> from 7 million to 9.5 million inhabitants, which was the
> unit that the y axis displayed. (Or something like that.)
> I said "probably not, your thinking is likely 5 years
> ahead of the Wikipedia community".
> As this all happened in April 2009, he came back yesterday
> to ask where we are now.
> Do we have any guidelines for how to hand-write the
> source code of SVG diagrams?  Should we?
> Maybe this is related to Wikidata?
> --
>   Lars Aronsson (l...@aronsson.se)
>   Aronsson Datateknik - http://aronsson.se
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Really this seems like the domain of commons to set "standards" for svg
writing. I think this should be brought up over there

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