
recently I saw this edit of a template page on MediaWiki https://www.mediawiki.org/w/index.php?title=Template:RSSPost&oldid=979205 by an anon.

Do we really have the template Namespace on MediaWiki open for edits by anons?

In the past, /this /page was indeed a vey /sensitive /template because it determined the rendering of RSS feeds on MediaWiki pages. This was the reason why I was surprised yesterday, that it could be edited by someone without an account.

On /enwiki /I know many templates which are fully protected. This is why I expected that our documentation and developer MediaWiki wiki also protects Template pages. This was apparently not the case.

Regarding the Template:Repost page:

I deleted that specific page. it is not used any more, because the Extension:RSS only since a while templates from the (system messages) MediaWiki:namespace, which is protected by default.

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