On 13 Jun 2014, at 01:28, MZMcBride <z...@mzmcbride.com> wrote:

> [..] companies put wikis on an intranet is that sysadmins don't
> trust large PHP applications (with good reason). Plus, when you're running
> a particularly old version of MediaWiki, many of the newer security
> vulnerabilities are irrelevant as they rely on code paths that didn't
> exist previously. For example, the XSS vulnerability in the info action
> wouldn't affect a wiki running 1.15.3, nor would a vulnerability in
> Special:Upload that was introduced in September 2009, assuming 1.15 was
> branched in March 2009, as mediawiki.org's "Branch points" page states.
> That said, MediaWiki maintainers should absolutely try to keep up to date,
> but it's annoying to do. One of my old wikis is running 1.12.0 still. :-)
> Upgrading MediaWiki core and its extensions is tedious and it's not
> totally unreasonable for people to want to stick with what works.

And that's why we still have IE 6 and IE 7 :-)

-- Krinkle

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