On Wed, 2014-06-25 at 10:44 +0200, Petr Bena wrote:
> Can we have that? so that people can filter out bugs that are require
> skills for certain languages only?
> For example if I needed to fix something that is C++ I would just tag
> it so, same for PHP, JS, etc... So that C++ devs could filter out only
> all bugs that require C++ knowledge and see all bugs across all of
> wikimedia that can be fixed in that language.
> Developers could then simply filter out only bugs that they are
> interested in or able to fix.

Well, before developers can simply filter out bugs, somebody would have
to go through ~14000 open tickets, understand which language(s) a bug
report is about, and set the language(s) on all of these tickets.
Would you like to volunteer? :)

More seriously, doesn't the Bugzilla product or component that a bug
report belongs to already pretty much define the programming language(s)
in that area? That's the level where I'd expect such information to be
located. (Or in a <programming-language> tag of a project's DOAP file in
its code repository.)

Andre Klapper | Wikimedia Bugwrangler

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