Le 26/06/2014 01:28, Tyler Romeo a écrit :
> Therefore, I thought it may be beneficial to take that over to Wikipedia and 
> start our own
> bug bounty program. Most likely, it would be strictly a hall of fame like 
> structure where
> people would be recognized for submitting bug reports (maybe we could even 
> use the
> OpenBadges extension *wink* *wink*). It would help by increasing the number 
> of bugs
> (both security and non-security) that are found and reported to us.


I would like us to have our own instance of Google Code-in to list tasks
that could be fulfilled by volunteers.  Kind of the +easy bugs we have
in Bugzilla but with a nicer interface that only has those tasks.

I would totally use such interface to request documentations updates,
code reformatting, simple command line utilities and so on.  Maybe we
can figure out a way to have them filled in Phabricator.

For the bounty system, a task could be attached some kind of scores that
would provides folks a bounty in an OpenBadges system.

I could totally imagine granting points for CSS edits, a test being
proposed or have the ability to grant badges/rewards to folks proposing
patches.  I often mail folks when they do their first Jenkins job
addition or create a new test in MediaWiki core.

Doesn't WMF has a plan to provide badges in MediaWiki itself? Kind of
Wikiloves which let you distribute barn pages on talk pages but a bit
more robust?

Antoine "hashar" Musso

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