
Ori and I attempted to run phpunit tests with all extensions deployed on
the wmf cluster.  With the help of Sam Reed we fixed must of the issues
but there is one nasty one remaining.

The parser tests expectations can not be meet when one mix extensions
together.  For example the Cite tests have some images/thumbnails, when
one installs the MultimediaViewer extension, the test file because the
generated output adds data-file-width="1941" data-file-height="220" to
the <img> elements.

That is due to MultimediaViewer registering the parser hook
ThumbnailBeforeProduceHTML .  And that is legit.

I am looking for ideas to properly fix extensions altering output and
thus breaking other extensions parser tests.

A lame idea would be to have the Cite parser tests to unregister any
hook altering HTML which are not registered by Cite.   We could maybe
come up with another repositories that has a different set of
parsertests suitable for multiple extensions.

There is a few more extensions having a similar issue such as
ProofReadpage inserting  class="prp-pagequality-1 in title links.


== References ==

A bug for MultimediaViewer / Cite has some more details:

We have a tracking bug to get all extensions pass unit tests together:

An experimental run is:


 test report which highlight other issues:

Antoine "hashar" Musso

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