On Fri, Aug 22, 2014 at 11:34 AM, Jon Robson <jdlrob...@gmail.com> wrote:

> 1) We need some JavaScript API for using templates (in current form
> all we have is a standard way to ship templates from the server to the
> frontend).

 Well, Mantle does have a basic template.add(), get(), and render() API. It
seems OK.

Before we know the API is right I would like to see proof-of-concept
template compilation. Handlebars templates can/could be compiled in advance
at commit-time, during a build process, on the server at request time, or
on the client. Developers should not have to change code for this.  (
https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=64735 for handlebars.)

> Trevor is working on a template widget for oojs which will
> make this possible
Great, though I don't understand what this is. Is this a specific widget
that uses a specifc template, or an "platform" widget that handles
templating for other OOUI widgets?

> 2) We need a standard template language
> 3) Better namespacing for templates - we identified that we will need
> to find better ways of uniquely identifying templates [3].
> We questioned whether point 2 should be blocking, as we recognised
> that even if we decide to standardise on Knockoff in future, it should
> be trivial to write a script that converts Hogan/Handlebars template
> language to Knockoff. The Mantle ResourceLoader module in current form
> is template agnostic and currently works with both Hogan and
> Handlebars, so in theory should make it easy to transition from one
> template language to another.
> On this basis, I think the next step would be for the oojs development
> team to get a template widget up that can be used by Mantle.

Great, again I'm confused :)

FWIW the pressing need of several teams is a dialog component with the
Agora appearance to replace homebrew and jQuery UI dialogs.  As I
understand it, besides VE of course Media Viewer has an OOUI dialog in its
"Use this file" pop-up.

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