On Mon, Oct 20, 2014 at 1:38 PM, Chris Steipp <cste...@wikimedia.org> wrote:
> * Tokens can be time limited. By default they won't be, but this puts
> the plumbing in place if it makes sense to do that on any token checks
> in the future.
> * The tokens returned in a request will change on each request. Any
> version of the token will be good for as long as the time limit is
> valid (which again, will default to infinite), but this protects
> against ssl-compression attacks (like BREACH) where plaintext in a
> request can be brute-forced by making many requests and watching the
> size of the response.
> To do this, the size of the token (which has been a fixed 32 bytes +
> token suffix for a very long time) will change to add up to 16 bytes
> of timestamp (although in practice, it will stay 8 bytes for the next
> several years) to the end of the token.

I have no objection to the change itself, but I would like to make a
few related comments:

1) Since this is changing anyway, it would be a good time to make the
token size and structure independent of whether the user is logged on
or not.  (This is probably not the only place where MediaWiki leaks
"is this user logged on?" via request or response size, but it is an
obvious place.)  I think that would involve generating 'wsEditToken'
whether or not isAnon() is true, which should be fine?  And then
matchEditToken() would be simpler.  And anonymous editing tokens could
also be time-limited.

2) Since this is changing anyway, it would be a good time to stop
using MD5.  SHA256 should be good for a while.

3) You're using the per-session 'wsEditToken' value as the HMAC secret
key.  Is there anywhere that the raw 'wsEditToken' might be exposed to
the client?  Such a leak would enable a malicious client to forge
editing tokens and bypass the time-limiting.

4) Architecturally speaking, does it make sense to time-limit the
*token* rather than the *session*?


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