On 13 November 2014 16:03, Helder . <helder.w...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Nov 13, 2014 at 1:42 PM, Derric Atzrott
> <datzr...@alizeepathology.com> wrote:
> >> Indeed - I am somewhat surprised by James's firm opposition.
> >
> > I tend to agree with James on this one in that if the edit summaries
> > are to be modified then they need a revision history.

​Indeed; that's the core tenet of​ how MediaWiki is designed. All changes
are open. All changes are logged. Al(most al)l logs are visible. Changes
can't be redacted, except by super-power-users (sysops) who understand what
they're doing. Changes can't be removed from the records, except by
super-ultra-mega-power users (developers) who have database access and have
a really good reason.

> >> Typos in edit summary are fixed by releasing an errata corrige in a
> >> subsequent dummy edit.
> >
> > I question whether or not the ability to change edit summaries is
> > really a needed feature though.  I would prefer the approach that
> > Nemo recommend of making a dummy edit.
> This would work a little better if we had the feature requested on
> https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=33943
> (Grouping edit history). But I don't see a reason against
> https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13937
> (Correcting edit summaries (if own, last, & recent))
Thanks for those links. However, for a change like this, I would expect (at
a minimum) a MediaWiki.org RfC. A bug isn't sufficient discussion, really.

James D. Forrester
Product Manager, Editing
Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.

jforres...@wikimedia.org | @jdforrester
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