James Forrester wrote:
>We need to agree how we are going to name our repos, and much more
>importantly because it can't change, what their "callsign" is. These will
>be at the heart of e-mails, IRC notifications and git logs for a long
>time, so it's important to get this right rather than regret it after the
>A handful of repos are so important and high-profile that we can use an
>acronym without too much worry, like "MW" for MediaWiki or "VE" for
>VisualEditor. For the rest, we need to make sure we've got a good enough
>name that won't cause inconveniences or confusion, and doesn't repeat the
>mistakes we've identified over time. We've learnt since the SVN to git
>migration a few years ago that calling your repository "/core" is a bad
>plan, for instance.

Could we not?

JIRA does this prefixing with tickets and I don't really understand its
purpose. We already have Git hashes and positive integers. Is another
scheme really needed? And what was wrong with the repository names again?

I was pleased that Maniphest simply uses T as a prefix. I'm kind of bummed
out that Diffusion is introducing shouting obscure immutable abbreviations.


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