If you missed the talk and would like to view the recording, here is the
link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I66xR-fq2O8
It has been released under a creative commons license.

If you have any questions about Phabricator please feel free to get in
touch with Quim <q...@wikimedia.org> and/or Andre <aklap...@wikimedia.org>

You can check out past tech talk recordings at the MediaWiki YouTube page
here: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg4wlhlN8RjP6_e_vMC4CTA

If you have an idea for a future tech talk that you would like to nominate
(or see what we have coming up), please add your suggestions here:
Please feel free to email me with your ideas as well. :)

On Tue, Dec 2, 2014 at 3:48 PM, Rachel Farrand <rfarr...@wikimedia.org>
> Please join us for the following tech talk:
> *Tech Talk**:* Phabricator for Wikimedia projects
> *Presenter:* Quim Gil & Andre Klapper
> *Date:* Dec 11
> *Time:* 1800 UTC
> <http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Phab+Tech+Talk&iso=20141211T00&p1=1440&ah=1>
> Link to live YouTube stream <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_yr5z9Ix2f8>
> *IRC channel for questions/discussion:* #wikimedia-office
> Google+ page
> <https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/103470172168784626509/events/cjb4le2ntnqogbbubmjrm9ikq1s>,
>  another
> place for questions
> *Talk description: *
> Phabricator is a collaboration platform open to all Wikimedians. We focus
> on bug reporting and software projects. Non-technical initiatives are
> welcome as well. Did you know that the first reason why we chose
> Phabricator was to serve as project management tool? Wikimedians use/used a
> variety of tools for project management: Trello, Mingle, Scrumbugz,
> Bugzilla, Asana, Google Docs, and of course wiki pages too. In this
> demo-based session we will explain how to organize your work with
> Phabricator at a project level, team level, and individual level. How to
> set projects, priorities, and tags, how to manage workboards and
> dashboards, how to organize sprints.
> Thanks!
> Rachel
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