Le 16/12/2014 00:42, Ori Livneh a écrit :
> I'm writing to draw your attention to a newly-available resource for
> performance analysis: flame graphs of MediaWiki code.
> http://performance.wikimedia.org/xenon/svgs/
> Flame graphs are a visualization of application stack traces.
> Each application server on the Wikimedia cluster has a software timer that
> interrupts MediaWiki once every ten minutes to capture a stack trace. The
> stack trace shows what the code the application server was in the process
> of executing when the timer expired. A central log aggregator collects
> these traces and uses them to generate flame graphs.
> Each box in a flame graph represents a function in the stack. The y-axis
> shows stack depth. The topmost box shows the function that was on-CPU at
> the moment the trace was captured. The function below a function is its
> parent.
> The x-axis spans the sample population. The width of the box shows the
> total time it was on-CPU or part of an ancestry that was on-CPU, based on
> sample count.
> Here is an example:
> http://performance.wikimedia.org/xenon/svgs/hourly/2014-12-15_22.svgz
> To learn more about flame graphs and how to interpret them, see <
> http://www.brendangregg.com/flamegraphs.html>.

Well done Ori, they are lovely and make me think of the 90's ascii arts.

Antoine "hashar" Musso

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