
Does the new syntax offer any advantage over the old one?
> Assuming that we want to switch to non-static function calls eventually
> (which I hope is the case), wouldn't it be friendlier towards extension
> maintainers to only deprecate once we are there, instead of forcing them to
> update twice?

Good points and questions. While this deprecation is not as problematic as
simply ditching the current hook system altogether, it does indeed seem a
bit of busy work.

The Hooks class has this comment "Used to supersede $wgHooks, because
globals are EVIL.", which is quite amusing if you consider all fields and
methods are static. So it's a switch from a global var to a global field,
thus adding a second global to get rid of the first one. I have this
presentation on static code which has a screenshot of this comment and
class in it :)


Jeroen De Dauw - http://www.bn2vs.com
Software craftsmanship advocate
Evil software architect at Wikimedia Germany
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