Maarten's thinking works well with my train of thought also.

What would it take to implement a new "tool edit flag" userright,
associated filters for recent changes and watchlists, and automatic
applications of the flag to uses of rollback, AWB, etc when the user of
those tools has the right to the tool edit flag?

On Feb 11, 2015 10:01 PM, "Maarten Dammers" <> wrote:

> Hi Petr,
> Petr Bena schreef op 11-2-2015 om 7:50:
>> I believe that majority of users will not like to have to ask for some
>> extra permissions in order to use some feature and so they will not
>> ask for them and not use it.
> Don't break your head over this.
> 1. We build this tool edit feature (or not). The ability to use it is a
> userright (
> 2. We have each wiki figure out if they want to add this right to an
> existing group ("autoconfirmed users"?) or to create a new one
> I think this would be a very nice feature. Wikidata recentchanges (
> is currently
> completely unusable because of automatic edits.
> Maarten
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